lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

Cooking Course & Gourmet Tour in Puglia

プーリャ州のクーキングレッソン& グルメツアー 

To learn the secrets of Puglia cuisine based on a variety of disches which periodically change according to the season...

Receipt of the Day: Artichokes "Parmigiana"

日のレシピ: アーティチョークのパルミジァーナ

Ingredients for 4 servings

artichokes n. 20
hot cheese
mozzarella cheese gr. 300
eggs 4
oliseed to taste
salt to taste
tomato sauce

Cut artichokes into slices.
Put them in a bowl with wather and lemon juice
Wash and drain them
Cover them with flour and beaten egg, so fry everything.
Arrange tomato sauce, artichokes, mozzarella and hot cheese in a pan

Cover with artichokes, add more tomato sauce and cheese.

Salento (South of Puglia) Receipt:  Sagne "ncannulate" at sea flavour


Ingredients for 4 servings

350 gr sagne
200 gr mussels
20 gr clams
200 gr cuttlefish
200 gr shrimps
a pinch of origanum and pepper
200 gr tomatoes
1 garlic

Brown the garlic, ad mussels, clams, cuttlefish, shelled shrimps and swordfish; add tomatoes, salt, pepper and origanum. Boil sagne slightly underdone and add sauce, finally add minced parsley.

Specialities:  Apulian Traditional Pasta "Cavatelli" with ricotta cheese flavour

特別な料理: リコッタチーズ味の「カヴァテッリ」という家庭的なパスタ

Ingredients for 4 servings

wheat "Cavatelli" gr, 400
pepper, courgettes and aubergines gr. 150
fresh tomatoes gr. 100
ricotta cheese
a leat of basil
exyta virgin olive oil

Boil wheat "cavatelli" in abundant salted water, cut vegetables into cubes, flour and dry them in extra - virgin olive oil; add tomatoes mix everything with cavatelli for 3 - 4 minutes. Finally dress and serve with ricotta cheese and basil.

Tasting deliciouse fruits directly from the tree

During Summer, walking around countrysides in South of Puglia, it is possible to admire and pick your own fruits and vegetables. Especially in July and August is common to see many figs tree or tasting fruits that grows in this land.

     Special fruits of Summer

Cooking course & Gourmet Tours in Puglia
For more info and details contact us to:
Tel. 0832-521343 Cell. 349-0077995

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